The Isle of Man is full of faery beings. In a concentrated area, it has all the most fascinating supernatural creatures of the British Isles, not just fairies, but various goblins, faery beasts and mermaids. It provides a fascinating case study of the wider wonders of British faery-lore, a kind of microcosm of Britain’s faeries. The book examines the appearance, speech (and even the smell) of the Manx faes, before turning to their character and habits- their homes, pastimes, hunting, fishing and conflicts. Close attention is given to how the Little People interact with humans- as lovers as well as antagonists- and the text also examines all the other faery beings found on and around the Isle of Man- mermaids, water bulls and horses, faery cats, pigs, dogs and other beasts, not forgetting bogies such as the buggane and the fynoderee.